Friday, May 21, 2010

Yesterday, I received the worst call a mother can ever get...

My son was spending some time with in my inlaws when he got out of their house and went into their pool.

He was 2, he would have turned 3 on June 9. I am totally beside myself with grief and anger right now....i don't know what to do...

Why did this have to happen? how come we lost our beautiful son? even as we sat and held his body, he was still beautiful...

I miss him so much....

at least i know he's here in spirit, just not in body....omgosh, the pain is soooooo bad

Please please plase watch your babies around water and if you have doors going out to the pool, please put locks hgher up where they cant reach them!!!!

RIP Ryland....June 9 2007 - May 20 2010

Mommy, Daddy, Wes, Em, Alex and 'Baby' all love you and we are going to miss you more then words can say....

Friday, April 9, 2010

Where does the time go???

What a week! Its Friday and I have accomplished NOTHING this week. I have a lot of work to do, but just haven't found any time to do it! Thankfully my husband is off this weekend so that means I'll be spending most of my Saturday getting caught up on everything...

I really think I'm going to be looking into day care for the boys in the fall...just part time. Its not really what I want to do but the other option is to put both my businesses on hold until they go to school. I used to be able to work while they napped, but the (almost) 3 year old barely naps any more. The 1 year old has also given up on his 1 long nap and is now taking 3 short naps (about 30 to 40 mins each) instead.

Well, I'm off to put the cushions back on the couch, pick up a few toys, mop up some spilled milk (why oh why did my 2 year old have to learn how to unlatch the fridge lock??), make some lunch and then hope the baby will take a nap...

Oh, this week I got a lot of goodies in the mail! I hope I can play with them when my husband gets home...I have a few ideas I want to work on...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Christmas Wedding

I have just been hired to create boxes, pom poms, cupcake toppers, invites, thank you cards and a few other things for a christmas wedding! This should be fun! They want it to be all about Santa, reindeer, elves, trees etc...the wedding will be HUGE....250 people! YIKES. Of course, I'm starting next week :)

Stay tuned for some samples...

Rain rain go away...

This is the 2nd day we've been cooped up inside due to rain! YUCK! but, April showers bring May flowers...I also can't complain, we've been known to have snow storms in April and rain is better then snow!

Since we've been inside, I've been doing a lot of browsing on Etsy and Ebay. I bought 2 new dies...and I have my eyes on a couple others.

I've also been doing lots (and I mean LOTS) of laundry...I've been sorting through the spring and summer clothing I put away for the winter...some are going to Africa...a friend and her husband collect clothing to send to his village in Africa. Some are for local charity and some I'm giving to a friend to sell in her consignment shop (hey, I need some money to buy the dies I want!!!).

Today, my goal is to finish the laundry, finish going through my closet and dresser, and then start on the much to do, its no wonder I'm exhausted at the end of the day and the last thing I want to do is work on my business....

which brings me to another thought...I still have a ton of shirts left over from my business (before I made my own brand) that I need to clear much stuff, not enough room to store it all in! Once I clear out all that stuff, then I will have even more room for my papers!

Well, the boys are upstairs now looking for me...the quiet was nice while it, time to get to work!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Missing my friend...

a year ago today I lost an old friend. She and I became friends in our late teens/early 20s. She had a horrible lung disease that would put her in the hospital for weeks at a time. We lost touch when she had to move home so her family could take care of her. She received a lung transplant in August 2007 and we quickly became close again. Unfortunatly, she rejected her lungs. She was too young to die, only 38. Her children were too young to be with out their mother...only 15 and 12 at the time. I miss you Lorna!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Baby Fever!!

I'm so excited to be planning a baby shower in a few months. I have a million ideas going around inside my head...thankfully I have several months since my friend is only a few weeks along so I can work on some samples and figure out what exactly it is I want to is a small bit of what I'm working on...I have a few more going but my camera doesn't want to co-operate with me today...

I want to make tags and cupcake toppers with these...we don't know if the baby is a girl or boy or what type of theme the shower will have...but I'm just working with what I have..and yes, I put together a few boy samples as well...more on them later!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

New Dies!

I just bought 7 news dies off Ebay and I have my eyes on a couple more...

In about 2 or 3 weeks I'll have:

The pregnant lady, pregnancy test and maternity clothing. I'm planning a baby shower so I'm looking for pregnancy related dies. I have a ton of baby related dies already and I'm busy making samples of invitations, place cards, centerpieces, cupcake toppers, party picks etc...I'll be taking pictures soon and even listing them in my Etsy shop over the next week!

I also got swim shorts, swim suit, hibiscus flower, tropical flower. My husband and I are planning on renewing our vows this summer with a tropical beach theme. Again, I'm working on invites, party picks and other fun things for that. Of course, I'll taking pictures of what I'm working on and adding them to my shop soon...