Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rain rain go away...

This is the 2nd day we've been cooped up inside due to rain! YUCK! but, April showers bring May flowers...I also can't complain, we've been known to have snow storms in April and rain is better then snow!

Since we've been inside, I've been doing a lot of browsing on Etsy and Ebay. I bought 2 new dies...and I have my eyes on a couple others.

I've also been doing lots (and I mean LOTS) of laundry...I've been sorting through the spring and summer clothing I put away for the winter...some are going to Africa...a friend and her husband collect clothing to send to his village in Africa. Some are for local charity and some I'm giving to a friend to sell in her consignment shop (hey, I need some money to buy the dies I want!!!).

Today, my goal is to finish the laundry, finish going through my closet and dresser, and then start on the much to do, its no wonder I'm exhausted at the end of the day and the last thing I want to do is work on my business....

which brings me to another thought...I still have a ton of shirts left over from my business (before I made my own brand) that I need to clear much stuff, not enough room to store it all in! Once I clear out all that stuff, then I will have even more room for my papers!

Well, the boys are upstairs now looking for me...the quiet was nice while it, time to get to work!!

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